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Input to World Banks' Country Climate and Development Report (CCDR) for Western Balkans

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As part of the World Bank Groups' Country Climate and Development Reports (CCDRs), the GEM Foundation and JBA Risk Management are working together to provide current (2021) and future (2050) earthquake and flood risk assessment for 6 West Balkans countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia. The GEM Risk Team is providing the exposure database (property and population data) for both the flood and seismic risk assessment for six Western Balkan countries at the lowest administrative level, using both existing datasets for 2021 and socio-economic projections for forecasted exposure to 2050. Seismic hazard and risk assessment for the current and future exposure is also being undertaken with the OpenQuake engine, leading to average annual losses and losses for specific return periods for each country. 

Duration: 2023


The World Bank is preparing the Country Climate and Development Report for the Western Balkans. The CCDR aims to inform policy dialogue and engagement with governments. This provides an opportunity to carry out several analytical pieces, including in the area of Disaster Risk Management, bringing together existing knowledge on the economic and social impacts of disasters and climate change, and delivering new analytical insights to support policy recommendations.


JBA Risk Management, GEM Foundation 

Funding partner: World Bank Group


Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia.

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