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Rapid Diagnostic in Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh

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Ready2Respond (R2R) is a rapid diagnostic guide, designed to improve national, sub-national and city resilience mechanisms and to protect development gains through investments in emergency preparedness and response systems. It is informed by the World Bank Group (WBG) City Resilience Program (CRP) and other WBG resilience platforms. In this project R2R is applied to the Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh states in the Himalayan region of India. The GEM Risk Team contributes to the project by providing: 

  • Literature review and stakeholder mapping around hazard and risk initiatives, risk data and models for both states 

  • Provision of seismic hazard/risk model outputs and related descriptive information for both states (to support diagnostic activities) 

  • Review of legal regulation of the built environment and associated initiatives 

  • Review of seismic preparedness of the critical infrastructure defined in the project

  • Preparation and remote input into stakeholder workshops 

Duration: 2023


This project responds to the need to provide effective and comprehensive diagnosis of the Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh states’ emergency preparedness and response systems in the Himalayan region of India. This enables the World Bank and the government to tailor investments to strengthen institutional capacity and capability, ensure public safety, and limit economic disruption in the face of multiple, and often cascading, geological and hydrometeorological hazards.


GEM Foundation, JBA Consulting, Geo Climate Risk Solutions (GCRS) 

Funding partner: World Bank Group


India Himalayas

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