North-Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean Tsunami Risk Management and Planning

NEAM-COMMITMENT aims to improve tsunami risk management and planning in the NEAM region. It endeavors to contribute primarily to two key components of tsunami risk governance: capacity building through tsunami hazard assessment and mapping at the national scale, and improved tsunami evacuation planning at the local level through a novel multi-hazard approach.
Guidelines will be drafted for the methodologies applied to develop the national tsunami inundation and local tsunami evacuation maps to contribute to improved tsunami risk management planning.
Duration: 2025 - 2027
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The project has two objectives:
to develop national tsunami inundation maps in Cyprus, Greece and Spain through the methodology applied to produce tsunami inundation maps for evacuation planning in Italy, aiming to achieve compatible tsunami inundation maps across the NEAM region;
to address the need for a multi-hazard approach for effective tsunami evacuation management to complement existing tsunami evacuation management guidelines. The proposed new approach focuses on multi-hazard cascading effects concerning tsunami evacuation and emergency management and will be piloted in local sites in Greece and Italy.
National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV), Italy
Fundación hidráulica ambiental de Cantabria, Spain
Higher Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA), Italy
Global Earthquake Model (GEM) Foundation, Italy
University of Malaga, Spain
Municipality of Lipari, Italy
Academy of Athens, Greece
The General Secretariat for Civil Protection - Greece
Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment of Cyprus
Funding partner: Union Civil Protection Mechanism (UCPM)

Southern Europe