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Modelling Exposure Through Earth Observation Routines (METEOR)

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At present, there is a poor understanding of population exposure in some Official Development Assistance (ODA) countries, which causes major challenges when making Disaster Risk Management decisions. Modelling Exposure Through Earth Observation Routines (METEOR) takes a step-change in the application of Earth Observation exposure data by developing and delivering more accurate levels of population exposure to natural hazards. Providing new consistent data to governments, town planners and insurance providers will promote welfare and economic development in these countries and better enable them to respond to the hazards when they do occur.


METEOR aims to formulate an innovative methodology of creating exposure data through the use of EO-based imagery to identify development patterns throughout a country. Stratified sampling technique harnessing traditional land use interpretation methods modified to characterise building patterns can be combined with EO and in-field building characteristics to capture the distribution of building types. These protocols and standards will be developed for broad application to ODA countries and will be tested and validated for both Nepal and Tanzania to assure they are fit-for-purpose.


Objectives of the project look to: deliver exposure data for 47 of the least developed ODA countries, including Nepal and Tanzania; create hazard footprints for the specific countries; create open protocol; to develop critical exposure information from EO data; and capacity-building of local decision makers to apply data and assess hazard exposure.


METEOR Project Consortium

  • The British Geological Survey (BGS)

  • ImageCat

  • National Society for Earthquake Technology (NSET)

  • The Disaster Management Department-Tanzania

  • The Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT)

  • Oxford Policy Management Limited (OPM)

  • Fathom


Nepal, Tanzania

For more details on the METEOR Project, click read more below to visit the website.

Anirudh and Nicole will be producing vulnerability data for different building types to different hazards for Nepal and Tanzania.

About 20 project participants from GEM, Tanzania Prime Minister’s Office-Disaster Management Department (DMD), NSET, BGS, HOT OSM, ImageCat and OPM...

Modelling Exposure Through Earth Observation Routines: EO-based Exposure, Nepal and Tanzania granted by the UK Space Agency

Anirudh Rao and Nicole Paul participated in the quarterly UK Space Agency #METEOR Project meeting and workshops in Kathmandu, Nepal.

To download the METEOR Project official deliverables documents, click the Read More button below.

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