Seismic Resilience Baseline Analysis and Investment Option Needs in Indonesia

This project, funded by the World Bank's GFDRR, aims to conduct a seismic baseline analysis to support the development of a potential national seismic risk mitigation program in Indonesia. The study focuses on public assets, which include education facilities (primary and secondary schools, universities), health facilities (health clinics, hospitals), commercial facilities (shophouse), emergency services facilities (e.g., ambulance stations, fire stations, early warning service providers), and critical government administration buildings (e.g., local disaster management offices). The project has five main tasks:
1. Inception: literature review on seismic risk in Indonesia, methodology, definition of stakeholder/consultation workshops, preliminary data collection
2. Baseline analysis of Indonesia’s exposure and vulnerabilities to seismic hazards (earthquakes and tsunami)
3. Seismic Risk Assessment and Rapid Prioritization of Potential Investments in Three Selected Districts
4. Development of Baseline Data and Conceptual Framework Design
5. Final Report and Completion Report
The GEM Risk Team contributes to all tasks, ranging from support on hazard modelling, development of exposure, selection of vulnerbaility models and the computation of seismic risk using the OpenQuake engine.
Duration: 2022-2023

The methodology, workplan, programme and potential target cities is elaborated together with the World Bank and Indonesian Ministry of Public Works and Housing (MPWH) stakeholders and other relevant agencies such as Ministry of National Development Planning (Bappenas), National Disaster Management Authority (BNPB), Ministry of Home Affairs (MoHA) and Agency for Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics (BMKG). The objectives include: (a) a rapid baseline analysis of the exposure and vulnerability of the country and three Indonesian districts to earthquakes and tsunami, baseline information/data, and gap analysis, including disaggregated analysis of risk and vulnerability of women and other vulnerable groups; (b) a conceptual framework for improving seismic resilience and recommendations for a national program that aims to reduce the vulnerability of people (with consideration for diverse groups) and assets to earthquakes and tsunami through an integrated package of structural and non-structural investments; and (c) stakeholder consultations to seek inputs on the potential program design, investment funding mechanisms, and institutional set-up options for the national program.
GEM Foundation, Arup, LAPI-ITB and Kota Kita
Funding partner: World Bank GFDRR

Three cities in Indonesia: ‣ Kota Bengkulu, Bengkulu province ‣ Kota Cilegon, Banten province ‣ Kota Gorontalo, Gorontalo province