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All of GEM’s products are freely available for public good, non-commercial use, but they may have different license restrictions. Open and free distribution of data, models, and tools remains at the core of GEM’s work, further enhancing their availability and accessibility.

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Available Seismic Hazard and Risk Models and Datasets
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Product | Short Description | License | Type |
Africa Exposure
License type:
CC BY-SA 4.0/CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
The Global Exposure Model is a mosaic of local and regional models with information regarding the residential, commercial, and industrial building stock at the smallest available administrative division of each country and includes details about the number of buildings, number of occupants, vulnerability characteristics, average built-up area, and average replacement cost.
The dataset is developed and maintained by the GEM Foundation, using a bottom-up approach at the global scale, using national statistics, socio-economic data, and local datasets. This model allows the identification of the most common types of construction worldwide, regions with large fractions of informal construction, and areas prone to natural disasters with a high concentration of population and building stock.
The Africa region of the model includes the information pertaining the following countries/territories:
Algeria, Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina_Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Cape_Verde, Central_African_Republic, Chad, Comoros, Congo, Democratic_Republic_of_the_Congo, Djibouti, Egypt, Equatorial_Guinea, Eritrea, Eswatini, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea_Bissau, Ivory_Coast, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sao_Tome_and_Principe, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra_Leone, Somalia, South_Africa, South_Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe
Alaska Hazard
License type:
CC BY-SA 4.0
The 2007.0.0 seismic hazard model for Alaska (USA) was developed by the United States Geological Survey (Wesson et al., 2007). The model covers the state of Alaska including the Aleutian Islands. The model has been translated from its original format into the OpenQuake (OQ) engine by GEM.
Since the original version, an update was made to the model by the GEM hazard team, leading to the latest release (v2007.1.0), which was used in the computation of the 2023 Global Earthquake Hazard and Risk Maps. This model incorporates the GMPEs recommended by Mueller et al. (2015) for Alaska.
Arabia Hazard
License type:
CC BY-SA 4.0
The 2018.0.0 seismic hazard model of the Arabian Peninsula (ARB) was developed by the Saudi Geological Survey (SGS). The model covers Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, and Qatar, but does not include sources that originate in the Zagros region of western Iran. The model has been translated into the OpenQuake (OQ) engine format by GEM.
Since the original version, several significant updates have been made to the model by the GEM hazard team, leading to the latest release (v2018.2.0), which was used in the computation of the 2023 Global Earthquake Hazard and Risk Maps. Differences in the versions can be consulted in the model documentation.
Australia Hazard
License type:
CC BY 4.0
The Global Hazard Mosaic coverage of the Australian continent uses the 2018 model of Geoscience Australia (Allen et al., 2018a and Allen et al., 2018b), with input from greater seismology community in Australia, as an update to the 2012 national model. The model was originally implemented in the OpenQuake (OQ) engine format, and only the computed sites grid was modified by the GEM Secretariat.
California (UCERF3)
License type:
Custom license
The 2018 United States National Seismic Hazard Model (Petersen et al., 2020), covers the conterminous United States and was developed by the United States Geological Survey (USGS) within the National Seismic Hazard Model Project (NSHMP). The California portion of the the model is covered by the time-independent version of the Uniform California Earthquake Rupture Forecast version 3 (UCERF3; Field et al., 2015). The model has been translated from its original format into the OpenQuake engine by GEM.
Canada Hazard
License type:
Canada's 5th Generation Seismic Hazard Model (Halchuk et al., 2015), produced by Natural Resources Canada (NRC) in order to develop the 2015 National Building Code of Canada. The model was originally developed for GSCFRISK software, and was subsequently converted into the OpenQuake engine format by NRC. Small, additional adjustments were made by the GEM Secretariat in order to fit the mosaic criteria, see model documentation for further information.
Original model input files are available at:
Caribbean & Central America Exposure
License type:
The Global Exposure Model is a mosaic of local and regional models with information regarding the residential, commercial, and industrial building stock at the smallest available administrative division of each country and includes details about the number of buildings, number of occupants, vulnerability characteristics, average built-up area, and average replacement cost.
The dataset is developed and maintained by the GEM Foundation, using a bottom-up approach at the global scale, using national statistics, socio-economic data, and local datasets. This model allows the identification of the most common types of construction worldwide, regions with large fractions of informal construction, and areas prone to natural disasters with a high concentration of population and building stock.
The Caribbean and Central America region of the model includes the information pertaining the following countries/territories:
Anguilla, Antigua_and_Barbuda, Aruba, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, British_Virgin_Islands, Cayman_Islands, Costa_Rica, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican_Republic, El_Salvador, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Martinique, Montserrat, Nicaragua, Panama, Puerto_Rico, Saint_Kitts_and_Nevis, Saint_Lucia, Saint_Vincent_and_the_Grenadines, Trinidad_and_Tobago, Turks_and_Caicos_Islands, US_Virgin_Islands
Caribbean & Central America Hazard
License type:
CC BY-SA 4.0
The original model covering the Central America and the Caribbean region (v2018.0.0) was initially developed in the framework of the CCARA project, a GEM collaboration project funded by USAID. Cuba and Puerto Rico were included a posteriori by the GEM hazard team. During the CCARA project and after it, some local organizations and experts were involved and this models benefits of it: University of Costa Rica, Costa Rica - Costa Rican Institute of Electricity, Costa Rica - Nicaraguan Institute of Territorial Studies, Nicaragua - Catholic University of El Salvador, El Salvador - Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, El Salvador - Panama University, Panama, Puerto Rico Seismic Network, Puerto Rico, National Center for Seismological Research, Cuba. The model was built as a combination of a shallow model, where active faults and distributed seismicity sources were integrated, and a subduction model, divided into its main components (i.e. interface and in-slab). The interface seismicity was modelled using complex faults, while for the in-slab region, the typology of source preferred was the non-parametric source.
Since the original version, several significant updates have been made to the model by the GEM hazard team, leading to the latest release (v2019.1.0), which was used in the computation of the 2023 Global Earthquake Hazard and Risk Maps. Differences in the versions can be consulted in the model documentation.
Central Asia Exposure
License type:
The Global Exposure Model is a mosaic of local and regional models with information regarding the residential, commercial, and industrial building stock at the smallest available administrative division of each country and includes details about the number of buildings, number of occupants, vulnerability characteristics, average built-up area, and average replacement cost.
The dataset is developed and maintained by the GEM Foundation, using a bottom-up approach at the global scale, using national statistics, socio-economic data, and local datasets. This model allows the identification of the most common types of construction worldwide, regions with large fractions of informal construction, and areas prone to natural disasters with a high concentration of population and building stock.
The Central Asia region of the model includes the information pertaining the following countries/territories:
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan
Central Asia Hazard
License type:
CC BY-SA 4.0
The Global Hazard Mosaic coverage of Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan) comes from the Earthquake Model Central Asia (EMCA; Ullah et al., 2013 and, a Global Earthquake Model regional program coordinated by the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ). The model was originally developed for the OpenQuake (OQ) engine.
China Financial Loss Model
License type:
Custom license
The China financial loss model has been developed by GEM using public sources of information, such as past seismicity, and geodetic and geologic data for the hazard component, combined with exposure and vulnerability data. The hazard component incorporates both faults and area sources. Earthquake occurrence rates on active faults are based on a new tectonic block model derived from the joint inversion of geodetic and geologic data. The model provides estimates of financial risk to residential, commercial and industrial buildings using GEM’s vulnerability models appropriate to Chinese construction practice. GEM has also developed an exposure model that can be used to estimate total losses to the building stock in addition to portfolio losses. Further technical information can be found in the documentation.
GEM extensively collaborated with its private and public partners to test and validate the model against industry standards in order to produce a new model that represents GEM’s view of risk. The model is available in Oasis and Touchstone formats, as well as through the NASDAQ platform.
China Hazard
License type:
Custom license
The Global Hazard Mosaic coverage of China was developed by the GEM Secretariat. The model covers mainland China and is composed of smooth seismicity sources and fault sources, the latter of which are mostly located in the western half of the territory.
Further information on the model, as well as different versions available, can be consulted in the model documentation.
Africa Exposure
License type:
CC BY-SA 4.0/CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
The Global Exposure Model is a mosaic of local and regional models with information regarding the residential, commercial, and industrial building stock at the smallest available administrative division of each country and includes details about the number of buildings, number of occupants, vulnerability characteristics, average built-up area, and average replacement cost.
The dataset is developed and maintained by the GEM Foundation, using a bottom-up approach at the global scale, using national statistics, socio-economic data, and local datasets. This model allows the identification of the most common types of construction worldwide, regions with large fractions of informal construction, and areas prone to natural disasters with a high concentration of population and building stock.
The Africa region of the model includes the information pertaining the following countries/territories:
Algeria, Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina_Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Cape_Verde, Central_African_Republic, Chad, Comoros, Congo, Democratic_Republic_of_the_Congo, Djibouti, Egypt, Equatorial_Guinea, Eritrea, Eswatini, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea_Bissau, Ivory_Coast, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sao_Tome_and_Principe, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra_Leone, Somalia, South_Africa, South_Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe
Alaska Hazard
License type:
CC BY-SA 4.0
The 2007.0.0 seismic hazard model for Alaska (USA) was developed by the United States Geological Survey (Wesson et al., 2007). The model covers the state of Alaska including the Aleutian Islands. The model has been translated from its original format into the OpenQuake (OQ) engine by GEM.
Since the original version, an update was made to the model by the GEM hazard team, leading to the latest release (v2007.1.0), which was used in the computation of the 2023 Global Earthquake Hazard and Risk Maps. This model incorporates the GMPEs recommended by Mueller et al. (2015) for Alaska.
Arabia Hazard
License type:
CC BY-SA 4.0
The 2018.0.0 seismic hazard model of the Arabian Peninsula (ARB) was developed by the Saudi Geological Survey (SGS). The model covers Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, and Qatar, but does not include sources that originate in the Zagros region of western Iran. The model has been translated into the OpenQuake (OQ) engine format by GEM.
Since the original version, several significant updates have been made to the model by the GEM hazard team, leading to the latest release (v2018.2.0), which was used in the computation of the 2023 Global Earthquake Hazard and Risk Maps. Differences in the versions can be consulted in the model documentation.
Australia Hazard
License type:
CC BY 4.0
The Global Hazard Mosaic coverage of the Australian continent uses the 2018 model of Geoscience Australia (Allen et al., 2018a and Allen et al., 2018b), with input from greater seismology community in Australia, as an update to the 2012 national model. The model was originally implemented in the OpenQuake (OQ) engine format, and only the computed sites grid was modified by the GEM Secretariat.
California (UCERF3)
License type:
Custom license
The 2018 United States National Seismic Hazard Model (Petersen et al., 2020), covers the conterminous United States and was developed by the United States Geological Survey (USGS) within the National Seismic Hazard Model Project (NSHMP). The California portion of the the model is covered by the time-independent version of the Uniform California Earthquake Rupture Forecast version 3 (UCERF3; Field et al., 2015). The model has been translated from its original format into the OpenQuake engine by GEM.
Canada Hazard
License type:
Canada's 5th Generation Seismic Hazard Model (Halchuk et al., 2015), produced by Natural Resources Canada (NRC) in order to develop the 2015 National Building Code of Canada. The model was originally developed for GSCFRISK software, and was subsequently converted into the OpenQuake engine format by NRC. Small, additional adjustments were made by the GEM Secretariat in order to fit the mosaic criteria, see model documentation for further information.
Original model input files are available at:
Caribbean & Central America Exposure
License type:
The Global Exposure Model is a mosaic of local and regional models with information regarding the residential, commercial, and industrial building stock at the smallest available administrative division of each country and includes details about the number of buildings, number of occupants, vulnerability characteristics, average built-up area, and average replacement cost.
The dataset is developed and maintained by the GEM Foundation, using a bottom-up approach at the global scale, using national statistics, socio-economic data, and local datasets. This model allows the identification of the most common types of construction worldwide, regions with large fractions of informal construction, and areas prone to natural disasters with a high concentration of population and building stock.
The Caribbean and Central America region of the model includes the information pertaining the following countries/territories:
Anguilla, Antigua_and_Barbuda, Aruba, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, British_Virgin_Islands, Cayman_Islands, Costa_Rica, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican_Republic, El_Salvador, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Martinique, Montserrat, Nicaragua, Panama, Puerto_Rico, Saint_Kitts_and_Nevis, Saint_Lucia, Saint_Vincent_and_the_Grenadines, Trinidad_and_Tobago, Turks_and_Caicos_Islands, US_Virgin_Islands
Caribbean & Central America Hazard
License type:
CC BY-SA 4.0
The original model covering the Central America and the Caribbean region (v2018.0.0) was initially developed in the framework of the CCARA project, a GEM collaboration project funded by USAID. Cuba and Puerto Rico were included a posteriori by the GEM hazard team. During the CCARA project and after it, some local organizations and experts were involved and this models benefits of it: University of Costa Rica, Costa Rica - Costa Rican Institute of Electricity, Costa Rica - Nicaraguan Institute of Territorial Studies, Nicaragua - Catholic University of El Salvador, El Salvador - Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, El Salvador - Panama University, Panama, Puerto Rico Seismic Network, Puerto Rico, National Center for Seismological Research, Cuba. The model was built as a combination of a shallow model, where active faults and distributed seismicity sources were integrated, and a subduction model, divided into its main components (i.e. interface and in-slab). The interface seismicity was modelled using complex faults, while for the in-slab region, the typology of source preferred was the non-parametric source.
Since the original version, several significant updates have been made to the model by the GEM hazard team, leading to the latest release (v2019.1.0), which was used in the computation of the 2023 Global Earthquake Hazard and Risk Maps. Differences in the versions can be consulted in the model documentation.
Central Asia Exposure
License type:
The Global Exposure Model is a mosaic of local and regional models with information regarding the residential, commercial, and industrial building stock at the smallest available administrative division of each country and includes details about the number of buildings, number of occupants, vulnerability characteristics, average built-up area, and average replacement cost.
The dataset is developed and maintained by the GEM Foundation, using a bottom-up approach at the global scale, using national statistics, socio-economic data, and local datasets. This model allows the identification of the most common types of construction worldwide, regions with large fractions of informal construction, and areas prone to natural disasters with a high concentration of population and building stock.
The Central Asia region of the model includes the information pertaining the following countries/territories:
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan
Central Asia Hazard
License type:
CC BY-SA 4.0
The Global Hazard Mosaic coverage of Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan) comes from the Earthquake Model Central Asia (EMCA; Ullah et al., 2013 and, a Global Earthquake Model regional program coordinated by the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ). The model was originally developed for the OpenQuake (OQ) engine.
China Financial Loss Model
License type:
Custom license
The China financial loss model has been developed by GEM using public sources of information, such as past seismicity, and geodetic and geologic data for the hazard component, combined with exposure and vulnerability data. The hazard component incorporates both faults and area sources. Earthquake occurrence rates on active faults are based on a new tectonic block model derived from the joint inversion of geodetic and geologic data. The model provides estimates of financial risk to residential, commercial and industrial buildings using GEM’s vulnerability models appropriate to Chinese construction practice. GEM has also developed an exposure model that can be used to estimate total losses to the building stock in addition to portfolio losses. Further technical information can be found in the documentation.
GEM extensively collaborated with its private and public partners to test and validate the model against industry standards in order to produce a new model that represents GEM’s view of risk. The model is available in Oasis and Touchstone formats, as well as through the NASDAQ platform.
China Hazard
License type:
Custom license
The Global Hazard Mosaic coverage of China was developed by the GEM Secretariat. The model covers mainland China and is composed of smooth seismicity sources and fault sources, the latter of which are mostly located in the western half of the territory.
Further information on the model, as well as different versions available, can be consulted in the model documentation.
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