Project Name
Global Exposure Model
Comprehensive datasets of the residential, commercial and industrial building stock worldwide

The Global Exposure Model is a mosaic of local and regional models with information regarding the residential, commercial, and industrial building stock at the smallest available administrative division of each country and includes details about the number of buildings, number of occupants, vulnerability characteristics, average built-up area, and average replacement cost.
The dataset is developed and maintained by the GEM Foundation, using a bottom-up approach at the global scale, using national statistics, socio-economic data, and local datasets. The datasets employed to develop this model were provided by national institutions, or developed within the scope of regional programs or bilateral collaborations. The global maps and the underlying databases are based on the best available and publicly accessible datasets and models.
This model allows the identification of the most common types of construction worldwide, regions with large fractions of informal construction, and areas prone to natural disasters with a high concentration of population and building stock. The underlying datasets used to create the maps are available for all regions of the world, aggregated at Administrative Level 1 under a CC BY-NC-SA license, or further disaggregated under specific licenses.
The open and downloadable Global Exposure Map (v2023.1) in PNG format, presents the geographic distribution of residential, commercial and industrial buildings. The number of buildings and total replacement cost is presented on a hexagonal grid, with a spacing of 0.30 x 0.36 decimal degrees (approximately 1,000 km2 at the equator).
The Global Exposure Map (shapefiles) consists of four layers that depict for each hexagon the number of buildings, the built-up area, the total replacement value and the total population.
How to cite this work
Yepes-Estrada, C., Calderon, A., Costa, C., Crowley, H., Dabbeek, J., Hoyos, M., Martins, L., Paul, N., Rao, A., Silva, V. (2023). Global Building Exposure Model for Earthquake Risk Assessment. Earthquake Spectra. doi:10.1177/87552930231194048
Available Versions
The maps for the number of buildings and total exposed replacement value are available for direct download, as high-definition PNG files, under a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license. Users interested in this version can click the "Open Version Download" button in the right panel to access the information. If your use case does not meet the open license requirement, or if you are interested in obtaining the full set of layers as a shapefile, please submit a request in our system by clicking on the "License Request", where a specific license will be provided, depending on the use case.
License information
The open version is available under a Creative Commons CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license, which requires: *Attribution (you must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made) *Non-commercial (you may not use the material for commercial purposes) *ShareAlike (derivatives created must be made available under the same license as the original) Any deviation from these terms incur in license infringement. For commercial use of the dataset, a specific license agreement must be made tailored to your use case, in such instance please click on "License Request".
By selecting a region in the global map below, a table will appear with the region, country, or territory for which GEM currently has exposure models. You can also use the Search box to find a specific country or territory's exposure model.

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