Project Name
China Financial Loss Model
Country model to assess potential financial losses to commercial, industrial and residential buildings due to earthquakes

The China financial loss model has been developed by GEM using public sources of information, such as past seismicity, and geodetic and geologic data for the hazard component, combined with exposure and vulnerability data.
The hazard component incorporates both faults and area sources. Earthquake occurrence rates on active faults are based on a new tectonic block model derived from the joint inversion of geodetic and geologic data.
The model provides estimates of financial risk to residential, commercial and industrial buildings using GEM’s vulnerability models appropriate to Chinese construction practice. GEM has also developed an exposure model that can be used to estimate total losses to the building stock in addition to portfolio losses.
Further technical information can be found in the documentation. GEM extensively collaborated with its private and public partners to test and validate the model against industry standards in order to produce a new model that represents GEM’s view of risk. The model is available in Oasis and Touchstone formats, as well as through the NASDAQ platform.
How to cite this work
Available Versions
The latest version (v2022) created by GEM can be requested by clicking on the "License Request", where a specific license will be provided, depending on the use case. The model is also available through NASDAQ and Verisk by clicking on the links in the right panel.
License information
Currently, the model is only available under a restricted license that has to be tailored for each specific use case.

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