Project Name
Atlas - Global Seismic Hazard Curves
A dynamic web portal and API featuring instant display and download of hazard curves worldwide

Atlas is a dynamic web portal and API, allowing subscribers to view the different layers of the Global Seismic Hazard Map in a GIS-style map viewer featuring an instant display and download of hazard curves for the selected sites.
This is a subscription service that provides clients with a pay-as-you-go alternative to licensing the GSHM data layers directly. Subscriptions permitting access to the Atlas are available today; please contact GEM Products for details. Resellers, brokers and other organizations wishing to integrate the API into their workflows should contact GEM Products to discuss the terms of possible collaboration.
How to cite this work
Available Versions
The ATLAS service is currently available as a dynamic web portal and as an API. Further information can be found on the ATLAS website, interested users are encouraged to contact GEM Products to discuss. Free trial accounts can be requested on the ATLAS website.
License information
Currently, the service is only available under a commercial license that has to be tailored for each specific use case.

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