License Request Form
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Atlas - Global Seismic Hazard Curves
Please check the link below to see if this product already meets your your requirements before submitting your request for a license. Thank you.
Summary of steps to obtain a license for the requested product.
Fill in the application form below.
Click Submit.
Please check your email Inbox or Spam folder for the summary of your request.
You will then be contacted by the GEM Product Manager with either a request for more information, or a request to sign the license. If you do not hear from us within 2 weeks, please send an email to
A. Requesting party information
First Name
Last Name
Business type
Other business
Other sector
B. License agreement signatory information
The signatory must be someone who is authorised to sign license agreements on your behalf such as your immediate supervisor, manager or legal officer. If you’re a PhD student, the signatory must be your adviser or a university officer in charge of license agreements or similar legal documents.
Full Name of Signatory
Company Email of Signatory
Organisation name
Complete Address
C. Purpose of request
GEM is able to offer products for free because of the support of our project partners, national collaborators and institutional sponsors. All of GEM’s products are freely available for public good, non-commercial use, but with different license restrictions. In most cases we release products under an open license (e.g., CC BY-SA or CC BY-NC-SA), which permits (re)distribution.
In this case, we are granting access under a more restricted license that forbids distribution or disclosure and requires signing by GEM and the licensee in order to better assure accountability for the confidentiality of the information.
In order for GEM to properly assess your request, please answer the following questions below.
1. Explain briefly how will the GEM product be used e.g. project, research including the expected results and the foreseen public benefit.
2. Will you be able to share the results of your work with GEM?
3. Will you be able to provide feedback to GEM on the quality and usefulness of this product via a survey?
C. Privacy Policy
By submitting this form, you consent to the processing of your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy and the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We are committed to safeguarding your information and ensuring it is only used for the purpose outlined in this form. You have the right to access, rectify, or delete your data at any time. For more information, please refer to our Privacy Policy.
Email us at if you're experiencing problems submitting your application. Thank you.

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