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GEM offers flexible mechanisms to enable potential partners to contribute to its ongoing and future work programs. Partners and collaborators can enter into sponsorships, project partnerships and service agreements, and can select the level of engagement based on their needs and requirements. GEM’s sponsorship structure and fees have been designed to incentivize the participation of public and private organizations.

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Projects in Collaboration with Partners



Public Sponsorship Scheme

Private Sponsorship Scheme

Partnership Opportunity Application

Partner with GEM: Public Sponsorship Opportunities

Collaborate with a global network dedicated to advancing seismic risk assessment and resilience. GEM’s Public Sponsorship Scheme provides public institutions with access to state-of-the-art hazard, exposure, and risk models, as well as opportunities for training, technical collaboration, and participation in strategic initiatives.

In addition to leveraging GEM’s expertise and resources, public sponsors gain valuable connections with private sector leaders and academic institutions worldwide, strengthening partnerships and promoting knowledge exchange. By supporting GEM, public institutions can enhance their risk assessment capabilities, contribute to global disaster risk reduction efforts, and help build a more resilient future.

Public sponsors can choose from three levels of engagement:

Note: the minimum fees in the table below apply only to sponsors who sign up for three years or more.

Sponsor Type

Annual Minimum Contribution (k EUR)

Voting Rights

Attends Meetings and Events

Other Benefits






Option to assign up to 50% of sponsorship fees to a collaborative project (subject to GB approval)

Membership to annual work-plan steering group








Collaborative project with GEM Secretariat (subject to Governing Board approval)

Governor Plus* – A premier sponsorship tier offering full engagement in GEM’s governance and strategic initiatives, with the option to allocate up to 50% the sponsorship fees to a specific collaborative project, and to be a member of the annual work-plan steering group.

Governor** – A standard sponsorship level that grants voting rights on the Governing Board, access to GEM’s data, tools, and meetings, and participation in decision-making processes.

Governor (via the Partnership Opportunity Application)*** – A merit-based sponsorship awarded to select public institutions based on their contributions to seismic risk reduction. Instead of financial contributions, these organisations provide strategic value through expertise, data sharing, or capacity-building efforts.

Partner with GEM: Private Sponsorship Opportunities

Join a global network of industry leaders advancing seismic risk assessment and resilience. GEM’s Private Sponsorship Scheme offers exclusive access to advanced hazard, exposure, and risk models, along with tailored training and collaboration opportunities. Sponsors can choose from different levels of engagement, including Governor, Advisor, and Small Business Advisor Sponsor, each offering unique benefits.

In addition to direct access to GEM’s cutting-edge resources, private sponsors can engage with leading public institutions and academic partners worldwide, exchanging knowledge and contributing to meaningful advancements in earthquake risk reduction. By supporting GEM, private companies can enhance their risk management strategies, gain valuable insights, and contribute to a safer, more resilient world.

Private Sponsor Types and Contributions:

Note: the minimum fees in the table below apply only to sponsors who sign up for three years or more.

Sponsor Type

Annual Minimum Contribution (k EUR)

Voting Rights

Attends Meetings and Events

Other Benefits





Membership to annual work-plan steering group





Small Business Advisor Sponsor

Option 1: Small Business Advisor Sponsor




Option 2: Start-up Business Advisor Sponsor




Option 3: Shared Advisor Sponsor




Option 1: Small Business Advisor Sponsor - for businesses of <20 employees and revenue of < 3M euro per year. The fees are 35k euro per year for a minimum of three years. If the number of employees or revenue exceed the threshold amount in a given year, the fees for subsequent years increase to the Standard Advisor level of 75K euros/year. These criteria must hold for full duration of the sponsorship.

Option 2: Start-up Business Advisor Sponsor - for businesses of <20 employees and revenue of < 3M euro per year that anticipate growth in subsequent years. The fees are 150K for a three-year commitment, with contributions of 25K, 50K and 75K in respective years. If growth is not realized in the third year (i.e., does not exceed the employee and revenue limit), the fees for the final year revert to those for Small Business Advisor Sponsor (35,000 euro per year).

Option 3: Shared Advisor Sponsor - for businesses of <20 employees and revenue of < 3M euro per year. The fees are 75K per year for three years pooled between up to three small business organizations. One organization is designated as the focal point for communication with GEM and participation in meetings. These criteria must hold for all partners for the full duration of the sponsorship.


Public Sector Partnership Opportunity with the GEM Foundation

Important Dates


The Global Earthquake Model (GEM) Foundation is committed to advancing earthquake risk assessment, modeling, and mitigation efforts worldwide. As part of our mission to strengthen global collaboration, we are offering a unique opportunity for public organizations to join GEM’s Governing Board as Public Governors.

While GEM’s Public Governors typically contribute annual sponsorship fees, selected public sector partners under this opportunity will instead be granted Public Governor status (for a period of 3 years) based purely on merit, strategic alignment, and contributions to seismic risk reduction.

Through this partnership, Public Governors will gain access to GEM’s global network, research, and tools, contributing to and benefiting from the advancement of earthquake risk knowledge. We invite interested public organizations to submit a proposal outlining their commitment and potential contributions to GEM’s mission using the template provided below.


Submission of Application

23:59, 24th May 2025

Scoring of applications by GEM Selection Committee

15th June 2025

Discussion of ranked applications at the GEM Governing Board Meeting

26th - 27th June 2025

Possible requests for further information

Jul - Aug 2025

Selection of winning applicant(s)

end of Sept 2025

Approval of winning applicant(s) at GEM Governing Board meeting

4th - 5th Dec 2025 (TBC)

Fill in the form below to download the Application Template

Applicant Information



May 24, 2025

Application Template

Latest Opportunity Updates

Last updated on:

March 14, 2025 at 8:44:20 AM

A webinar to present Public Partnership Opportunities with the GEM Foundation is set for Thursday April 10, 2025 at 13:00 CEST. This will also be an occasion to ask questions related to the Call for Applications.

Opportunity ID
Current and Previous Awardees


Applications still open

by 23:59 hrs (CEST) on 24th May 2025

2025 - 2028


Download the instructions from the table above and click on the row to download the application template.

Why We Support GEM

Iwan Stalder
We are excited to work with GEM, aligning our commitment to global resilience and the pursuit of risk mitigation strategies.
Bradley Meier
NormanMax is deeply committed to supporting innovative solutions that reduce earthquake risk. We are proud to partner with the GEM Foundation in their mission to enhance public understanding of seismic hazard and risk and empower communities and businesses with the tools they need to be prepared in the face of potential earthquakes. This aligns with our goal of helping global insureds reduce the protection gap through effective risk transfer products for earthquakes.
Surya Shrestha
NSET Nepal
As a nation, our commitment to disaster risk reduction and equity is of paramount importance. Our partnership with GEM and the launch of advanced earthquake hazard and risk solutions are essential to our strategy for reducing earthquake risk. They empower us to fortify our disaster risk management strategy, improve building regulations, and bridge gaps in insurance access, aligning seamlessly with UNDRR's vision for disaster risk reduction and a more equitable society. Building resilience is a collective responsibility, and GEM's collaboration is a cornerstone in this endeavor.
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