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Report on the workshop for the participatory evaluation of earthquake risk and resilience in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia





An essential step to understand and enhance the resilience of cities to earthquakes is to measure the concept. Measurement is vital not only to evaluate and benchmark the baseline conditions of what makes communities resilient but also to help communities to understand the factors that lead to losses and the differential ability of populations across and within communities to recover when damaging events occur. To address this, GEM and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) collaborated to facilitate the Resilience Performance Scorecard (RPS) workshop in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The RPS is a multi-level and multi-scale self-evaluation tool that empowers stakeholders to assess earthquake resilience parameters based primarily on qualitative information. Here, an interactive voting system is used in a workshop setting to identify priorities where activities may be pertinent for earthquake risk reduction or where existing initiatives may be improved to increase earthquake resilience in different sectors of society. Six dimensions of earthquake resilience are encompassed to address key areas that mainstream risk reduction namely; planning and decision-making processes, 10 social capacity, awareness and advocacy, legal and institutional arrangements, planning and regulation, critical infrastructure and services, and emergency preparedness and response.
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