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Appraising the PSHA earthquake source models of Japan, New Zealand, and Taiwan


Earthquake‐hazard models are one of the major contributions provided by the seismological community to tangibly support disaster risk reduction policies at a national level. Although the societal impact of hazard analyses can be huge, the development of models remains a scientific activity developed within frameworks that have a strong national emphasis and partial international recognition. However, broad acceptability of hazard models is a key aspect for achieving authoritativeness and a prerequisite for warranting that their construction is completed using well‐recognized methodologies. As part of an enduring international collaboration between leading organizations operating in the hazard and risk fields in Japan, New Zealand, Taiwan, and the Global Earthquake Model initiative, we discuss the main characteristic of the earthquake source models—as implemented for the OpenQuake engine—used for the calculation of the most recent national seismic‐hazard maps of these three countries. Particular emphasis is placed on comparing the various modeling options adopted in the different tectonic regions, on emphasizing commonalities, and on discussing the most controversial modeling solutions. Despite the many connections from a seismotectonic point of view between the three countries, the comparison highlights different modeling choices for the various tectonic regions, which constitute a spectrum of possible epistemic uncertainties, as well as modeling issues that could be collectively explored in future phases of this international collaboration.
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