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Vitor Silva
Head of Risk Engineering
+39 0382 5169865
Vitor Silva
Vitor is the Head of Risk Engineering at the Global Earthquake Model (GEM) Foundation, and a Principal Investigator at the University of Aveiro. He leads studies in structural vulnerability and probabilistic seismic risk assessment in dozens of countries, and participates in a multitude of International, European and regional projects. His research covers the assessment of earthquake impact at the global scale, incorporation of the temporal component in earthquake risk, and exploration of machine learning technology in the assessment of earthquake hazard, vulnerability and exposure. He has authored more than 100 publications in international peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings and was the recipient of the Shah Family Innovation Award by the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute in 2018, the Natural Hazards Division Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award by the European Geosciences Union in 2020 and Earthquake Spectra Outstanding Paper Award in 2021.
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