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Oasis Conference Summary 2022


Dec 6, 2022

GEM participated in this year’s Oasis Conference held on September 28th in Zurich. John, who sat in the Collaboration to Enable Choice panel presented a background on GEM’s roadmap to 2030 focusing on integrated risk and resilience solutions, and earthquake loss models for China, Colombia, and South Africa.


He also discussed the collaborative process used in the joint development of the China Earthquake model with his co-panelists Ole Hanekop (Senior Actuarial Analyst at Hannover Re) and Michael Ewald (Earthquake Perils Lead at Swiss Re) who both shared their insights from the intensive and technical collaboration that helped developed the model for the Oasis platform.


Martin Bertogg, Swiss Re's Head of Cat Perils, Cyber, and Geo shared his insights on what’s really needed: an intensified focus on more than just the key perils, a consistent use and sharing of models across the value chain, and an ever-greater effort of co-creating open-source models as they boost efficiency, risk literacy and trust. (Eckhart, Oasis 2022 flashback)


“OASIS, OED and GEM are ready-made assets for co-creation for efficiency, risk literacy and broadly supported outcomes,” said Martin Bertogg in his summary of the conference.


This year’s conference highlighted how Oasis works in practice, including a live demo on how to deploy and use Oasis. Participants also directly experienced the latest climate modelling techniques and the challenge of uncertainty in decision-making.

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