Ten risk profiles for countries in Central Asia and nearby parts of Transcaucasia and South Asia now available
Dec 6, 2022
The risk profiles were released as part of the outputs of the project “Developing a Disaster Risk Transfer Facility in the Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation Region” supported by the Asian Development Bank.
GEM, a member of the consortium of organizations that implemented the project from 2020-2022 provided the exposure and seismic vulnerability data as contributions to the development of disaster risk assessments and modeling in all Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation Region (CAREC) countries. The consortium was led by Willis Towers Watson.
CAREC member countries face growing levels of disaster risk without sufficient financial protection. The aim of the project was to establish a regional disaster risk transfer facility to promote regional cooperation, help narrow the protection gap and increase the financing available including insurance for quick response to disaster events.
GEM, along with JBA Risk also contributed earthquake and flood risk data respectively to the Narrowing the Disaster Risk Protection Gap in Central Asia publication, which explores and examines risks from flooding and earthquakes in CAREC member states to strengthen disaster risk finance and informs the design of a risk transfer facility.
The Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation or CAREC Program is a partnership of 11 countries (Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, People's Republic of China, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Mongolia, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan), supported by six multilateral institutions, working together to promote development through cooperation, leading to accelerated growth and poverty reduction.
The Country Risk Profiles can be downloaded from the CAREC website:
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